I just ordered my server where are my login details?
Unlike a standard VPS our VPS Resource Pools allow you to create as many servers as your resources allow. No servers are made by default, you get to choose how much of one resource is assigned to each server.
To create and manage your servers:
1. Login to the client area: https://subnetlabs.com/billing/clientarea.php 2. Click on view products and services 3. Click on the "view details" button of your service 4. Here is where you will manage and create your servers. This will be blank to start, however you should see a "Add new server" button. 5. Assign the server the amount of resources you want. (note make sure it is enough resources to complete an OS install and be still able to boot) Note: (Put and For the name server options 6. Click "add new virtual server" 7. Your server is now created. It shoudl redirect you back to the management section of your servers. 8. Click "manage server" on your newly created server. 9. Click "boot" to start it up. You may need to ping it 50 times in order for ARP to catch the new IP. 10. Congrats, you have now created your first server with subnet labs. This is where you will create and manage all your servers in the future.